On the Ceiling

they call me flipper
the pancake man
I'm one of very strong wrist
an athlete of the pan

I know quite a bit
even the ingredients I know
like soda water
and a little lemon to throw

but there's only one problem
and that is, the utensils I table
'cause the action I use is rather unstable

the fork must have tines
that are extremely long you see
and the knife a long handle
for the distance degree

the pancakes end up
on the ceiling in a heap
so it's rather awkward
but then there's the seep

of all that syrup
and how to pour it upwards
I haven't solved that yet
I just haven't found the words

and if your ceiling is stippled
don't hire me to cater
it would be one hell-of-a mess
so maybe... just your waiter

DeaBeePea 3-4-17

Weird or the Tale of Henry Cyril Poe

so commonly said
of this strange little bloke
walking around
in his tattered cloak

abnormal they say
of his peculiarities and habits
something irregular must have happened
to this man of bright pink jabot

some people feared him
he's so twisted they claimed
a bit of a freak they thought
and they didn't know his name

he talked to everyone
in an anxious prattle
and spoke out of context
and his teeth made a brattle

but this view of deviance
was a misconception
for this man of bantam
was an intriguing exception

a nonconformist for sure
atypical, so many ways
but his quiet hours
were spent writing plays

he was an observer of us all
and anomalous in style
taking a divergent path
and associating with guile

his ultimate goal
was a new literary creation
blending the irony of Shakespeare
and Ibsen's feminist notation

so this uncommon man
thought to be contorted
in time, proved to be a genius
and was enthusiastically disported

DeaBeePea 3-3-17

Decisions, Decisions

shopping for meat
I suppose not a problem
for those vegetarians
avoiding fatty mayhem

but I do visit
the store for tenderloin
which I love to make
as a sandwich to join

with pickled things
and spicy additives
featuring gooey cheese
for an effect so positive

but some other selections
of chicken and beef
come deboned or not
providing me, with decision grief

should I pay for the bone?
I ask myself
it seems like a rip-off
so I consider what else?

but after all, is said and done
there's something about that sweet ossein
things taste better
with that neighboring lean

boneless is nice
for those nuggety things
but they taste pretty awful
even with onion rings

DeaBeePea 3-1-17


carrying it around
becomes a skill
it starts to lighten
with the occasional spill

I don't need a key
it's a part of me
my identity saturated
by this souvenir tree

it's a samsonite life
that takes some strength
and a sense of humour
and not dealt with at length

and the handles can break
but I have the tools
to continue this journey
while keeping my cool

DeaBeePea 2-28-17


fade to shade he yelled
as the willows flickered
and the cameras slid
to the bright-white wicker

the swing-dresses flow
as the girls giggle
and the boat-hatted gents
argue in competitive niggle

gaiety and frolic
in the floor of grass
the banjos strum
as he raises his glass

stripes of shadow
decorate this scene
of tranquility and innocence
with the lens's preen

DeaBeePea 2-28-17

Are You Awake?

these wildest dreams
bloating your bed
leaving sleep in seams
and sheets in threads

darkness... then light
then the dimness reappears
this flickering blight
bringing maddening tears

when and where
are abstract dimensions
in this sleepless beware
of insanity's intentions

this demonic transition
into a tossing delusion
brings forth the abscission
of life's hopeful illusion

DeaBeePea 2-28-17


there is seldom emptiness
but sometimes worry
finding out that hollow
is just my ignorance in hurry

there is a fullness to life
that sometimes burdens my being
sorting through the residue
blinded from what I'm seeing

despite this richness
I always want more
which is an indulgence that denies
my walk through the door

into more wealthy worlds
where spirit is calm
and beauty is serenity
as I open my palm

DeaBeePea 2-26-17


favours are funny
they come
in many flavours
and colours

they are a joy
lending a skill
or resource of sorts
to help along the way

thank you doesn't matter
but it certainly is nice
it's done because I can
not for someone's flatter

but there is the odd time
when I say, drat
you dummy
why the heck did you do that?

DeaBeePea 2-24-17

A tribute to Gary Snyder:


allowing us to be wild
even without wilderness
our breath must be a child

the ecological circle
virtually out of control
holding us in our place
giving us our soul

this spinning wheel of green
and gravity's inviting pull
welcoming us to luxuriance
making our karma the wool

that warms us with a smile
thankfulness and joy
seeing, listening and feeling
erasing our feeble ploy

but our muscle is a sin
capitalism's roar
the barren picture is new
a parking lot a door

to a brave new world of cowardice
avoiding who we are
bringing the question to me
why we fear the star

that tells us of a universe
a magical place to love
we should rest and take a seat
and celebrate the miracle above

DeaBeePea 2-23-17


it's not insurance
it's a fund
making your money grow
to create
a flexible portfolio
enable your dreams
to be filtered through
a financial plan
that pays dividends
beyond the aggregate
annuitized whole
is another term
and cash equivalents
are obscure
in the sense
that the cost of goals
can only be measured
by the quality of life
that materializes
as a result
of commitment
and integrity

DeaBeePea 2-23-17


I loved those stories
of the Proboscidean civilization
and Babar's reign
from mushroom indigestion

...stormy winds downed the balloon
and rhino wars chimeric
Monster faces on their backsides
oh yes... such a childhood Babar-ic


she constantly chases me
slashing those scissors
threatening to scalp my head

she yells and screams
wailing like a banshee
a 'barberic' girl of dread


savagely cruel
I wouldn't say so
and exceedingly brutal
I'd have to say no

but primitive?
by all means
and unsophisticated
yes! I have those genes

DeaBeePea 2-22-17

A Letter

a letter?... spoke he
in questioning startle
why would you send a letter
that sounds stupid to me

If I received a letter
whether an A, W, or Z
it would seem really dumb
I could think of much better


No, you don't understand
a letter is a note
mailed to a friend
and written in freehand

and sometimes perfumed
in affection's air
and signed with a swirl
with romantic abloom


WOW... that sounds cool
I think I'll try it
there's this girl... you know
I met her at school

DeaBeePea 2-21-17

A Letter

a letter
is so much better
penned with love
flown like a dove

magical words
that come just once
stamped to send
to a special friend

DeaBeePea 2-21-17


so sorry
I am
empty and numb

I have to go
and be me
finding my plumb

don't think of me
follow you
and your heart so true

I am mere
lost in the mist
surrounded by blue

I hope some way
you can place me

a small place inside you

I was born to be me
whatever that is

this journey might be long
at the end
maybe, my season

DeaBeePea 2-21-17

Cheque Back

You made a donation
to this Party of will
talking the talk
you swallowed the pill

when you realized it was bull
you got out of the sack
and gave them a call
"I want my cheque back"

DeaBeePea 2-20-17

Check Back

it's a part of the lingo
like see ya later
or give me a call

and it's always a delight
when it actually happens
in my social trawl

I think people mean it
but they get caught up
in life's silly games

so if someone says check back
take it to heart
even if you forget
...their name

DeaBeePea 2-20-17

Birthday tears...

his father had to work
mother toiling
sister bad temperament
and older brother boiling

so much turmoil
and selfish perspectives
all were ignorant
of their growing rejective

this nice little chap
was caught in the storm
wondering if this negligence
was a part of the norm

he was sad, but hoping
that something would arise
perhaps an event belated
that would be a surprise

but sadly I must tell
that his birthday was gone
without even a whimper
his star never shone.

DeaBeePea 2-19-17

Yes Indeed!

Saturday is a challenge
for many reasons I know
supposedly a day to party
but who's the one to throw?

It doesn't always happen
so I think of something contrary
and hopefully it's enjoyable
a thing that makes me merry

but I have spent this day alone
which seems abysmal to me
reading a mystery novel
or sitting in a tree

but as I mature (assumed)
I relax and accept my fate
I'm not the life of every party
even though I make a great date

so as I sit here contemplating
on this afternoon of Sat.
my evening is still unplanned
with myself, I might have to chat

DeaBeePea 2-18-19

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